The Actress and The Bishop

Thoughts and Ramblings from a Student Librarian.

Location: Illinois

I act. Lately, I've been acting like a Librarian-in-training

07 February 2007

Lots of Reading

I've started to read many more blogs lately, and am having trouble keeping up with them and homework and assignments and rehearsal and work. In short, here is a brief post with nothing but "a lick and a promise" for more to come.

So when reading Laura's Blog recently, I learned about this wonderful service for Children's Literature from the University of Illinois. I love the web resources listed for Poetry and Fairy Tales. I encourage you to visit the site and poke around in it, and try to learn something new.

While reading another new blog, The Scattered Librarian, I was reminded of the plan to replace the illustrations in The Little House Books. Full story here. I am disappointed, but I believe The Scattered Librarian said it best.

After watching this video, mentioned by The Laughing Librarian, I still don't understand the context. Perhaps I'm not up on Popular Culture enough. Please let me know if you have figured it out; I would really like to know.


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