The Actress and The Bishop

Thoughts and Ramblings from a Student Librarian.

Location: Illinois

I act. Lately, I've been acting like a Librarian-in-training

20 October 2006

The Maiden

This maiden post won't be very long, but will let people know what kind of blog this will (hopefully) become. This blog came about mostly because of an assignment in Library School, but also partly because my sister kept suggesting that I write one. My reaction was always that I did not have enough time in my schedule to write one, since I am working and attending school full time.

So, here is my big compromise / experiment. I'm not sure if this will survive after the semester is over, but for now the plan is to answer reference questions submitted to me by my friends and fellow students. I will also endeavor to review books and other media as they catch my attention or as they are thrust upon me.

That’s it. If you are one of the lucky people who submitted a question to me, please wait patiently for the answer. If it is still not answered by the end of the semester, then you may berate me.


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